Our Programs

T.R.A.I.L.O. (The Real Adventure is Located Outside):


T.R.A.I.L.O. (The Real Adventure is Located Outside): is a component that organizes family trips to introduce them to diverse career opportunities and engage them in conversations with politicians. There are also our Immersive Family Retreats, which is a leadership development and political education component, offering essential leadership skills and engaging participants in political discussions over three days.

Legal Eagle:


Legal Eagle: is a court watch program that equips youth and community members with a deep understanding of the legal system, their rights, and the political process. It empowers youth and community members with legal literacy and political awareness, enabling them to navigate their communities and the legal system confidently.

Community Healing:


Community Healing: Revolutionary Arts is an arts component for adults, children, and teens. It harnesses the power of theater and film to illuminate pressing social issues from the perspective of those directly impacted, providing a creative outlet for expression, instilling confidence, and contributing to progress through artistic projects. As part of this component, WaR facilitates an annual well-being festival called Sage the City, an organized space for healing from intergenerational trauma. It provides rest, repair, restoration and advocacy tools, fostering resilience through meditation, mindfulness practices, and addressing ACEs.